The Bicycle-a Short Story-Comparison

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“If we don’t change, we do not grow. If we do not grow we are not really living.”(Gail Sheehy.) Hannah lived all her life with very limited time for herself. Everything revolved around piano and her Jewish religion. Tante Rose had always cared for Hannah and pushed her to keep with piano. Hannah and I both spent all our time practising, I didn’t have harsh influences like Hannah, and we both made decisions against our influences. Hannah spends all her time practising, with no time for friends or hardly any outside activities, besides Synagogue and piano, Hannah feels she is trapped. “It seemed that I spent all my time practising (Horton pg 34.) Similar to Hannah, when I was younger I spent most of my time during summer and winter doing some sort of sport like skating, gymnastics, soccer, swimming and to top it all off I went to tutoring as well. Between practices, games, recitals, and competitions I also felt like I was trapped, and didn’t have enough time for myself or friends. Hannah and I both had very full lives, where our schedules always seemed to be full. Now both Hannah and I had choices to make but what and who could have influences on those very important choices. Hannah had very harsh influences on the choices she made to change her life, dissimilar to my influences. “I will send you to New York in a year Hannah and you will be ready.” ( Horton, 34)Unlike Hannah, who had intense influences from Tante Rose, who always expected that Hannah would choose piano. I didn’t have really any influences, other than my parents that suggested that I stay in all my activities, even though I think they were unaware of the fact that I had no time for friends. Me and Hannah both hand insensitive influences, what choices did Hannah and me both end up making. Life is based on choices, the one we make and do not make, so when Hannah decided to quit against
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