The Benefits of Online Learning vs Campus Learning

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The Benefits of Online Learning Verses Campus Learning Sherry Tyler Everest University Online September 3, 2012 There are many differences between learning in an actual classroom and learning online along with many advantages and disadvantages with each form of learning such as the cost and a prospective employer’s view. During these troubling economic times, I have endured my share of financial struggle, which led to my decision to further my education and secure a more financially stable future for myself. I had to consider scheduling and again finances; I still needed to be able to work full-time while attending college. I began checking into online classes and during my research, discovered that I would actually save money by taking classes online. I would not have the costs of commuting to and from class, and I could set my own schedule. I have attended campus classes in the past, and the hustle of getting there after work and not having more time at home with my family was frustrating. Although there are many differences between learning in an actual classroom and learning online, there are also many advantages and disadvantages with each form of learning such as the cost and a prospective employer’s view. Although college can be challenging for many students; both online and traditional classroom college offer the same coursework, just in different forms. Having the option of online classes can be an advantage for many students. According to (Klein) The biggest difference between online and traditional classroom based education is the method of communication. The upside for the online classroom is that students are able to fully formulate their arguments and back them up with resources rather than relying on spur-of-the-moment debate. Shy students who are unlikely to interact in person find themselves "speaking up" in new ways in the

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