The Beastly Feast Essay

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The Beastly Feast" by Brad Goldstone introduces foods in a fun, engaging way appropriate for young children learning visual recognition and words about food. Along with a rhyming scheme that includes pairs such as "mosquitoes burritos," the book includes colorful images and a fast-paced storyline to keep toddlers interested until the end. The book's pages are textured, which adds an additional element for little ones to enjoy. "Blue's Clues" is a popular television show for young children. If your preschooler is familiar with Blue, use the book "Blue's Snack Party: A Lift-the-flap Story" by Kevin Cardinali, to engage her interest in nutrition. The characters plan a meal, and your toddler can follow along, choosing foods, counting ingredients…show more content…
It Explains what to say and do if someone touches your body when you do not want to be touched, especially when the action involves the touching of private parts. "Be careful and stay safe" explains how the world can seem so perilous, especially where our children are concerned. But even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies. Without scaring kids, this book teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. Includes questions, activities, and safety games that reinforce the ideas being taught. "I can be safe" is a friendly little book that acknowledges kids' fears and makes them aware of things they need in order to feel safe in different situations. They learn, for instance, to look both ways when crossing a road, to wear special clothing for sports, to know their parents' names, phone number, and emergency numbers, and many other details .It is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger

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