The Battle Of Somme's Unbearable Battle

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Question 1: Which war would you least or most want to fight? * The Battle of Somme (1916) The Unbearable Battle Some battles are recognized for their victory and some for their defeat. Known for the death of nearly 57 000 British-Canadians troops, the battle of Somme is one of the least desirable battles to fight in during the start of the war as men were killed, injured and put in horrible conditions with little preparation for the bare minimum of success. The battle was positioned in the country of France, where thousands of British-Canadian men stood ready to fight against the troops of Germany. The futility of Somme was indeed unbearable. The Germans refer to the Battle of Somme as das blutbath-the bloodbath. On the morning of July 1st, 1916, 100 000 British troops advanced towards German lines. Somme is the worst battle to fight in due to the incredibly high likeliness of death. The preparation for the battle was rushed as…show more content…
“The Battle Of Somme.” Accessed September 29,2013. CBC learning. “The Bloodiest Battle.” Accessed September 29, 2013. First World War.Com. “Battles-The Battle of Somme,1916.” Accessed September 29,2013. Book: Gilbert, Michael. The Battle of Somme: The Heroism and Horror of the War. Canada: McLelland & Stewart, 2007. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Martin Gilbert, The Battle Of Somme: The Heroism and Horror of the War (Canada: McLelland & Stewart,2007), 1 [ 2 ]. “The Bloodiest Battle” Accessed September 29,2013, [ 3 ]. “The Battle of Somme” Accessed September 29,2013, [ 4 ]. “The Bloodiest Battle” Accessed September 29,2013,
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