The Aztecs

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The Aztecs By Michael Valentino The Aztec empire dominated Mesoamerica from Mexico and Guatemala to the territories of Salvador and Honduras for nearly 100 years. The people of Aztec civilization migrated from the Pacific Northwest and inhabited the area which became the capital of Mexico, Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs began their reign in 1427 after the leader; Itzcoatl defeated the Tepanecs and gained control of the Mexican basin. The nation’s leadership was passed down through inheritance. The Aztecs made ritual sacrifices. Warriors captured in battles or tributes from vassal states in the form of humans were usually offered up for sacrifice. They needed a steady supply of ritual sacrifice victims. They never used their own people for…show more content…
It was a complex home. The palace is two stories, and has a large courtyard. The walls of the palace were covered in art work. The rooms on the ground floor were very large, and each had a purpose to it. Columns were used to support each floor. There were grand staircases, mostly made up of marble. It led to the second story and was located at the center of the palace. There were four main rooms in the emperor’s home. They were the reception chamber, where the kind would meet with people, the emperor’s personal apartments, which were big because of the many gifts and tributes given to the emperor. There was also the main meeting chamber, which was like a reception chamber but three times the size. There was an elevated platform with stairs and a chair for the king. And lastly, there was the Emperor’s tribute store, which is where all of his gifts were stored tightly and there was often not enough room for all of the…show more content…
The Spaniards also added to the fall of the Aztecs. A weakness was found in the empire, which was that the empire was nothing more than a collection of smaller groups of people who were tied together by one thing and that is membership in this society. An army was created by surrounding nations, and the army completely dismantled the Aztec empire. Eventually Tenochtitlan was infected with small pox, and half the city was wiped out. The army came in, and a man named Cortes seized the city and laid it to ruins. By August 13th, 1521, the Aztec empire was destroyed and Spanish rule soon spread throughout the newly gained land. The Aztec civilization is not very different then compared to it now. The Aztec civilization is modern day Mexico. Mexico still enjoys the same foods, the climate is the same, they build similar housing, they are artistic, etc. Major differences are they no longer sacrifice people. The language has changed completely to Spanish. Also, they do not have social class systems. They have a government that does not have a single
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