The Annexation Of Alsace-Loraine - Essay

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IB History Anagnostopoulou - Merkouri Alkistis “To what extent was the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine the main cause of Germany’s difficulties in foreign policy in the years 1871-1890?” During 1871-1890, the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, faced numerous difficult situations, which tested his ability to implement an effective foreign policy. Although he is well known for his success in unifying Germany into a politically and administratively integrated nation, his reign was certainly not without problems. On the18th of January, 1871, he pursued pacific policies in Europe, his main aim being to keep France isolated from Europe, while also targeting the formation of alliances with the other Great Powers. In addition, he sought to generally maintain the existing borders of the European sovereign states, by balancing and consolidating the power between the nations. Bismarck’s desire was to alienate France from European affairs, a France which had become resurgent and powerful after the Franco-Prussian war. In order to achieve this, he needed to remain on good terms with both Russia and Austria-Hungary, thus he formed the Dreikaiserbund (1873-1878). However, the significance of this alliance was not so great, as Austria refused to agree to any military help. Furthermore, both Russia and Austria-Hungary were rivals in the Balkans, thus making the relations between them and Germany volatile. A few years later, a crisis arose in the Balkans, as a result of which, the Dreikaiserbund was terminated. In 1877, the Russo-Turkish war broke out with Russia defeating the Turks in 1878. After fierce resistance, the Turks surrendered and signed the Treaty of San Stefano. By signing this treaty, Russia acquired greater influence in the Balkans. Nevertheless, Austria-Hungary did not accept this settlement but on the other hand Bismarck was eager to prevent a
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