Testltemsfor Case Study Essay

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Testltemsfor Case Approach to Counseling and Ps hothera 1Ghapter Introduction Overview and I Which of the following therapeutic approaches mostplaces emphasis an individual'scompetencies, on avoiding defininga clientby a problem, establishing collaborative a relationship wherethe client is the seniorpartner,and focusingon a client'sstrengths resources? and a. cognitivebehaviortherapy b' postmodemapproaohes c. realitytherapy d. behavior therapy e. psychoanalytictherapy job In whattheoretical orientation the therapist's to confrontclientswith the restricted they havechosen is life andto helpthembecome awareof their own part in,creating eondition? this a. psychoanall'tictherapy b. Adleriafitherapy c. existential therapy d. person-centeredtherapy…show more content…
All ofthe following are gxamples of goal! that would guide the behavidr therapy process with Ruth except: a. b. c. d. e. leaming andpracticing methods of relaxation learning stressmanagementtechniques. leaming assertiontraining principles and skills. learmng how unconscious factors are playing out in presentinteractions. learning and practicing new behavior. 56. therapist that she does not know how to say no to people when they make a request of her. |ytf ]nforys.her which behavioral technique would be most appropriatein dealing with thii problem? a. systematicdesensitization b. operantconditioning c. eyemovement desensitization reprocessesing d. flooding assertion training Ghapter8- case Approach to GognitiveBehaVior Therapy 57. Albert Ellis viewsRuth'sproblems primarily from thevantage point of: a. injunctions accepted earlydecisions made. she and she b. her clingingto dogmatic, rigid "musts"andcommands shecontinues live by. that to c. theimpactof earlychildhoodexperiences. d. negative conditioning from herparents. e. societal standards ofwhat is acceptable awoman. for 58. REBT includes which therapeutic technique(s) counseling-Ruth? in : a. cognitivetechniques b. emdtive techniques c. behavioraltechniques d. all ofthe above e. noneof,theabove , 59. WhenAlbert Ellis givesRuthhomeworkassignments be usedbdtween to therapysessions thenchecks and up duringa following session, is an example a: this of a. cognitivetechnique. ' b.
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