Tempered Glass Essay

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Glass was first formed of natural glass, obsidian, which is in the mouth of a volcano as a result of the intense heat or an eruption melting sand. Evidence shows that man-made glass was made as early as 4000 BC. Glass is an excellent example of an amorphous material. Some characteristics are that glass is extremely brittle, it is an inorganic solid, and is composed mostly of inorganic oxides. The main ingredient in glass is silicon dioxide. If you didn’t know, silicon dioxide is also known as sand in nature. The most interesting part about glass is that it doesn’t have a specific melting point. Different types of glass melt at different temperatures, but the most common glass melts at 1500 degrees C. Also glass never reaches a point at which it suddenly becomes liquid. So that means the hotter the glass gets it will flow faster but it will never become a liquid completely. Lastly glass does not have a specific temperature where it turns into a solid completely. In conclusion glass is a very delicate material that can be made in different ways and used in many different ways. Tempered glass is glass that is stronger and durable. If tempered glass is broken it won’t shatter into tiny pieces, it will shatter into big pieces instead. It is also known, as safety glass because when it shatters it won’t hurt you. An interesting fact about tempered glass is that it is chemically strengthened by a surface finishing process. The surface finishing process is when the glass is submersed in a bath containing potassium salt. This causes sodium ions to be replaced by potassium
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