Television vs. Newspaper

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Television vs. Newspaper People enjoy obtaining information right away the moment something happens; television provides that for us. I, along with many other people, prefer television rather than newspaper because we obtain information faster than a newspaper provides for us. Newspapers take longer because editors have to type it, print it, and send it out, which is a long process. Overall, the newspaper and the television have their pros and cons. Most people nowadays don’t prefer newspapers, but they have some pros that appeal to people. A newspaper has more detailed coverage than television. Also, a newspaper is a simple access to news when there is no television around. The newspaper is only printed and sent out in the morning and as a result the news is not updated throughout the day. Also, the newspaper is a waste of ink and paper, and is harmful to the environment. From an article I read, they explained why the newspaper is no match to television when they state: “While newspaper reporters are writing the story for the next edition, though, television cameras can get to the news instantly”, (Television Versus Newspaper News). When something occurs, reporters are their right away to film for the television what occurred. That quality is what most people find admirable about the television. With television you get news right away the moment something happens. For example, if there was a tornado the news will let everyone know right away, but with a newspaper it will take much longer. “The newspaper gives them detailed information about a basketball game they can look at again and again, but, the TV puts them in the arena,” (Television Versus Newspaper News). If you ask anyone what they prefer, television or newspaper most would prefer television. Especially in this generation, technology is a major thing. With today’s technology you can watch the news
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