Ted Bundy Research Paper Topics

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Your Name: Sarah Macias Ward ELA II Period 2 26 January 2015 Research Project Prompt “In a well-developed research paper, inform your audience about a group or individual and argue for or against the individual’s or group’s humanity or lack of humanity.” Hint: pick a person/ group, tell your classmates about him/ her or them, then explain if you think the person or group is good or bad using support for your opinion. Outline Introduction Hook “I didn’t know what made people want to be friends. I didn’t know what made people attractive to one another. I didn’t know what underlay social interactions. “ -Ted Bundy URL/ ISBN:http://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahs28/ted-bundy-quotes-1yzj Quote: “You feel the last bit of breath leaving their…show more content…
Bundy also created a hole in the ceiling in a prison ans lost 30pounds to fit through the whold and escape to florida. Bundy was not known to be missing until 15 hours later. URL/ ISBN where you found your EVIDENCE http://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/ted-bundy Address the other side Ted Bundy was a good person before his life became harmed by his family and befor his heart was broken by his girlfriend. Ted hid his emotions and he began having dark thoughts due to these events. Ted was a normal child before he was mistreated by his family and the kids at school as well as when he went to college. Ted was a smart man. In one of Bundy’s court appearences he acted as his own lawyer. Ted was smart enough to excape from custody more than once. URL/ ISBN where you found your EVIDENCE http://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/ted-bundy Conclude your argument Summarize your opinion on your topic Ted was dangerous and harmful to society Summarize support “B” Ted was a criminal whose crimes cannot be forgiven Summarize support “C” Te had no remorse toward the women he

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