Technology Is Too Powerful For Teenagers

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Technology in a teenager’s daily life allows them to have convenient access to the outside world. Teenagers at school are using a variety of technology for education and entertainment purposes. Although technology is enriching their lives, it also has a negative impact on them. Social networking sites such as Facebook is a part of a teenager’s social life. Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004. As of January 2011[update], Facebook has more than 600 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, upload photos, and exchange messages. it is becoming more and more common for teenagers to become addicted to social networking, which often distracts them from schoolwork and the like. They put personal information on their Facebook profiles and add random people as friends. On the other hand, Facebook also helps teenagers to keep in touch with their friends, and feel involved in their social groups. According to a recent study, teenagers spend an average of 31 hours per week online. Many parents have noted that their children are becoming increasingly addicted to social networking; they often go on Facebook as soon as they come home from school, and continue to do so throughout the evening. They are absorbed in the world of Facebook while the real world is passing them by. Teenagers feel as if they need to check their Facebook numerous times a day, often interrupting other activities to do so, or using it as a means of procrastination. They struggle to concentrate while doing work or even go on Facebook throughout the course of the school day. This shows how teenagers’ addiction to social networking can cause problems in their day-to-day lives, as it consumes much of their time and attention. As social networking sites allow members to create individualised pages that often include

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