Technology: Is It Corrupting the Balance of Life?

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Technology: Is it Corrupting The Balance of Life? Everything has an opportunity cost, even technology. As evolution evolved so did technology, the 20th century was the beginning of the new technological era; Computers, video games, mobile phones, appliances seem to manifest throughout society. Technology follows a sovereign development, a progression that we can slow down or accelerate depending on our decisions and efforts. This brings us to the big question: To what extent can electronics be advanced without becoming too inhumane? No doubts that technology advancement has brought numerous profound advantages, for example in economy, trade, and communication. As much as we want technology to operate immaculately, the drawbacks to technology is inevitable. Some argue that the rapid growth of technology may cause destruction upon Earth. This essay will represent my arguments and analyze the merits and demerits of technology before a reasonable conclusion can be drawn. As I was writing this essay, I thought about my own addiction to cyber world. My smartphone is always with me 24/7 and it also sleeps next to my bed. First thing I do when I wake up is to check my phone. It becomes a habit through time, and I tend to get distracted by my iPhone easily. I can’t even last half a day without it. Youngsters these days live by the phrase, as Turkle said it “Alone Together”. However, I’m questioning myself after the research I conducted before beginning this essay. Why do we check our smartphones hundred times a day? Do we even know what the word “social” means in this modernized era? The word Social, according to means seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; this firmly implies face-to-face interaction. Nevertheless, this definition conflicts with today's perception of social networking, in which we interact mainly with screens rather than

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