Technology Influence on Today's Society

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Technology Influence on Today’s Society Technology has become an important resource in the world today. Many writers are writing essays about how technology is beneficial and harmful to our society today. In essays, “A Personal Guide to Digital Happiness” by Anna Akbari and “Society is Dead, We Have Retreated to the iWorld,” by Andrew Sullivan, they discuss their views on current technology. Akbari and Sullivan both write about how technology is positive and negative; however, Akbari focuses on mainly the positive ways to better utilize technology, while Sullivan focuses on the negative. A similarity between Sullivan and Akbari is they both recommend the reader to take a sabbatical from technology. Akbari talks about “’media facts’” which is when technology users take a break from using technology for a certain length of time (3). Akbari says, “The Sabbath Manifesto and the National Day of Unplugging are committed to slowing down lives” (3). At the end of Sullivan’s essay, he challenges his reader to unplug from their iPods and to listen to the world around them. It is important to disconnect from technology for a while, and reconnect with the world. When Sullivan “unplugged” from his iPod, he says, “I felt just a little bit connected again and a little more aware” (319). Akbari also believes that while people are disconnected it “fuels creativity and identity construction, and ultimately makes our re-immersion into the connected life that much richer (3). Sullivan and Akbari both agree that technology is limiting face-to-face communication and interactions. There are more people connected to technology through work, personal lives, and school then ever before. With more conversations being held using texting and e-mail, fewer people are having face-to-face conversations. Akbari discusses in her essay how technology has changed intimate relationships between
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