Technology In Football Stadiums

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Technology has caused much change in the way we watch athletic events and over time it has become such an integral part of the experience that the game would not be possible without it. For example, computers are a part of one of the most significant areas of the stadium: the scoreboard. The scoreboard instructs fans when to cheer, when to boo, and what was missed if arriving late. The game wouldn’t be the same without a constant reminder of where the home team stands. With the use of technology, telecasters pull up an instant replay for referees to make a decision on a play easily. Without technology, the score would be limited to the referee’s line of vision and area of focus at any given moment. Telecasters also make use of technology in the form of headsets and radios to make changes between camera angles on the field to give fans at home the best possible experience. But technology was used long before the teams hit the field. Computer programs are often used for building plans and designs before the foundation is ever laid. Architects and contractors use computer programs to get a visual model of the area and better understand what is needed to accommodate as many fans as possible. When the game is over, coaches can use computer analysis to break down statistical data that will help them find patterns in their opponent’s playing style, and areas of improvement for their own team. With so many advances in technology, the job of the coaches and fans have become easier, and the fans are now able to see a more interesting, dynamic sporting event. The scoreboard keeps fans up to speed on calls they otherwise wouldn’t be able to hear from the officials, and therefore allows them to enjoy cheering at every victory their team experiences. Officials can make a fair assessment using instant replays rather than relying on snap judgment. Coaches are now able to

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