Technology Good or Bad

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Technology good or bad? The world has changed in the past decade, whether we like it or not. What changed? Technology has gotten smaller and better (just think at the differences between an iMac in 2000 and an iPhone in 2010), world's population has grown, for the first time more people live in cities than in rural areas and the costs of technology are becoming more apparent than before. Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. Some of the creations that have really changed our lives are the computer, telephone, internet and electronic mail, television, cell phone and voice mail. Everything has a positive and a negative effect on our lives and so does technology. Technology may be very helpful but it can sometimes be very harmful. First of all, technologies play a very important role in society because it makes life easier to live on and less time consuming. Nowadays, when the rapidness of development and research is so impressive, it is useful to have tool and devices that can make our work easier. People do not have to do all the hard labor anymore. For example, microwave ovens cook food easily without using any stoves and making a big mess. Food companies have developed products that can be cooked in the microwave ovens in just a few minutes (and I don’t speak about fast food, but traditional dishes like lasagna, chicken with rice and so on). Another very good example is the computer. They have evolved so much during the past years and nowadays they are fast, small and affordable and nearly every family has a computer. Among others, this very useful device allows you to connect to the internet and look for any kind of information. Nowadays mostly everything is available on the internet. You can do your shopping, keep in touch with persons that are far away, make payments and so on. On the other hand,

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