Technology Changes for Communication

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The biggest technological change that has had the most impact on our country is that of portable communication. The demand for portable communication has increased as the technology was first introduced. Today everyone, regardless of age, has some sort of portable communication device readily accessible. Devices range from a basic pre-paid cell phone to a small thin laptop discretely held in a backpack or briefcase. Some devices are in our vehicles to allow for ease of hand free use and emergency communication. Communication used to be a hard wired phone that was either attached to the wall with a mangled mess of curly phone cord extending from the base to the handset, or there was a cord that seemed to be a mile long that went from the wall to the actual base of the phone. As portability became an issue just for home or office use of phones, the “portable” phone was developed. The next step in portability was to be able to have communication “on the go” and hence the Car Phone was developed, however, was only available in high end vehicles. The car phone then aged to the larger “brick” cellular phones which over time have now gone smaller and smaller and easier to obtain. Alongside the development of voice communication going portable, the computer was developed and soon to follow was the internet. Access to the internet gave us emails and VOIP for easier and faster communication. Computers were then developed to attain the capability of being portable and integrate communication at the same time. Laptop computers are now the largest consumer good for access to portable communication and storage. With a laptop the user can access his or her email anywhere that there is a WiFi signal or free wireless internet signal. The computer users are no longer restricted to sitting at a desk at a library or their home. The development of smaller laptops still seem to
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