Teachers Knowledge Essay

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Instructor: Dr. Kat Title: Final Assignment: u10a1 Thesis: Teachers must have knowledge and motivate themselves to improve performance and learning among students. Motivation is an important factor in helping to improve performance and learning among students. McCollum & Kajs (2009) defines motivation as a complex, multidimensional element needed for learning and performance. Teachers play important roles in ensuring and motivating the quality of a student’s education. Teacher’s motivation and dedication helps students to become successful. The success stems from the willingness and attitude of the teacher. Teachers should have a basic understanding of each student. When teachers provide positive feedback to the student it helps to encourage them to improve their performance and learning skills. This is why teachers must have knowledge and motivate themselves to help in the improvement of leaning among students. When teachers enjoy their work or the subject area that they are teaching, it helps the student to become more interested and involved in learning. Student motivation is a key factor when it comes to the quality of their education. Students are willing to learn more if their educational leaders are more involved and interested in the subject area that they are teaching. Palmer (2007) states that when students are motivated, they pay attention, they begin working on tasks immediately, they ask questions and volunteer answers and they appear to be happy and eager. Teachers have to teach and train students about the quality and skills that will help to motivate them. Educational leaders are a key factor in motivating the students to improve their performance. Educational leaders want students to get as much knowledge as they can and be able to apply that knowledge in the real world. For example, Weinstein (2010) believes “while
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