Tda 2.01 Child and Young Person Development

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TDA 2.01 Child and young person development. 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include: * Physical development * Communication and intellectual development * Social, emotional and behavioural development The stages of a child’s development can be measured through examining how social, emotional, physical , intellectual and language skills change in milestones throughout their growth. Physical Development At the earliest stages of a child’s development their gross motor skills begin to develop. This is where a baby learns to move and use its arms, legs and feet. This will involve crawling, jumping, and attempting to pick up objects. Later the fine motor skills will begin to develop, where a child’s dexterity improves in the areas of hand eye coordination, accurate usage of fingers, and small movements that occur in the feet, lips and tongue. In general, the child’s development will progress from using the top of the body first e.g. usage of head and arms, will then move downwards to the bottom e.g. usage of feet and toes. During the ages of 12-19 physical development occurs in adolescence. Young people will see many physical changes including changes in the appearance of their bodies. During this period, young people’s strength and coordination increase greatly and they will have full adult motor capacities by age 20. Communication and intellectual development As babies, children communicate through crying and quietening with increasing sophistication. Before they are a year old, infants will generally attempt to say simple words. By the time they are between one and two years old they will use around 30 to 40 words and by three years old they will be able to use full, complex sentences. When a child starts school aged six, they will develop their social skills through
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