Task Os a Single Parent

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As the product of a single parent family, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the life of a single parent is not easy. In hindsight, I will say that the most challenging task of a single mother, is having to present her child or children with the idea that everything is under control, despite her personal tribulations and discomfort that she may face on a daily basis. I consider that despite her hardships, my mother has done an excellent job; and I make this statement not by whim, but by the very fact that I often find myself celebrating the successes of my mother, rather than wishing that I had a father present during my childhood years. For me, mother’s day was a day of only partial celebration, as my mother assumed the role as both mother and father in my life. As a kid, I found myself giving my mother gifts even on father’s day. I can vividly remember the smirk on her face as she enjoyed my simplistic understanding of her role back then. I accept that we all have a story of our past, that every story is uniquely different, and that is quite okay to have been a product of a single parent home. When a mother becomes both Mom and Dad From the second her newborn inhales its first breath air, a mother’s journey begins. To the best of her ability, she has prepared herself over the course of nine months for this very moment. She looks into the eyes of her precious little one; and overwhelmed by emotion as she looks upon this beautiful, innocent extension of herself, an immediate connection is formed. Most mothers have been fortunate enough to have shared this tender moment with their husbands or boyfriends. However, approximately fifteen percent of the world’s mothers experience this moment alone, and begin a journey as both mother and father to their infants from as early as one day old. Few of these single mothers bear the burden of having lost their
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