The Role Of Technology: The Tainos And Kalinagos

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The term technology can be defined as the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. The Tainos and kalinagos had little and no technology skills. Their technology include: the constructing of their houses, the build of tools and weapons, canoes, straw basket, hammocks, pottery and agriculture. Unlike the Mayans who were the more advance ones among the three indigenous group namely: the Tinos, kalinagos and the Mayans whose technology include the building of houses, cenotes, roads, suspended bridges, temples, pyramids mathematics, astronomy, calendars, hieroglyphics and agriculture. The Tinos had no knowledge about metal…show more content…
There houses were made from limestone’s, they would use rubble and cement just like modern builders would used. This material formed the base of their temples plat form which was located on the roof of their pyramids then covered with thicken layers of plasters (as shown in appendix six). They build suspended bridges to link their city vast empire together this was a swinging bridge that was made from ropes woods (as shown in appendix seven). They built huge pyramids and on top of these pyramids there you would fine temples in these temples that the sacrifices take place. One type of these sacfrices was the bloodletting which was a very crucial way of sacrificing. A long cord was then fastened round the body of each victim, and the moment the smoke ceased to rise from the altar, all were hurled into the gulf. The crowd, which had gathered from every part of the country to see the sacrifice, immediately drew back from the brink of the pit and continued to pray without cessation for some time. The bodies were then drawn up and buried in the neighboring grave (as shown in appendix eight). The Mayans had a number system that starts from zero which is similar to our modern mathematics. The Mayans were also astronomers their main purpose of knowing this was to calculate the correct time for their religious ritual ceremonies. They also had three hundred and sixty five days calendars which is also similar to the calendar we used today in our present society (as shown in appendix

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