Szt Task 3 Essay

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MEASLES SZT TASK 3 REBEKAH HIGHTOWER A. Measles Measles, what is it? Measles is one of the most highly contagious viral diseases and sadly it can be a fatal disease. This disease took the life of 164,000 children worldwide in 2008(Measles, 2014). It is caused by an infection called the rubeola virus. This virus is spread through droplet contact, this means the transmission is through droplets from your mouth or nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This virus can survive on a surface for a few hours so this means you can also contract it if you touch an infected surface and then touch your face or mouth. Once this virus infects your body it multiplies itself in your throat and then lungs and continues to spread and…show more content…
There were 26,000 cases reported thus far in the Philippines. Of these cases that were traced back to the travel to the Philippines, the infected people were not vaccinated before travel. The first case was noticed by a traveler when he developed a rash and fever. This traveler was misdiagnosed as having a common virus. It was not until 8 more cases were reported to the emergency room that this outbreak was noted to be of the measles vaccine. Measles was confirmed by serum laboratory test. This Genotype was identified as B3, the same genotype currently circulating in the Philippines (CDC, 2014). This diagnoses led to a community wide investigation and vaccination clinic. The investigation included hospitals, day care settings, churches, and schools. Measles outbreaks had been considered eradicated since 2000, however with more and more people choosing to be unvaccinated, and increasing travel outside the United States this has become a worry again for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The current rate for measles in the United States is 1 in 738,672 people (Vaccine incidence, 2014). Despite great achievements put forward toward global reduction of measles, there still remains a large issue. In 2010, 327,305 cases of measles were reported and approximately 139,300 deaths (CDC,

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