Synthesis Essay On Health Care In America

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Seth Siddle-Mitchell Expository Writing Synthesis Essay October 18, 2011 Health Care in America In the late 1940’s through the early 1960’s, America experienced a rapid growth in the birth rate. This increase in births is referred to the baby boomer era. What was not thought about during these times was about who was to take of these people when they grew old and dependent. America has reached these time and resources such as money and facilities are dwindling. Major health care plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, are being drawn from by the elderly, as they are supposed to, but at a rate to greater than taxpayers are paying for the programs. As these troubles continue, major changes will have to be taking place in the near future to prevent a collapse in health care and an increase in our nations debts. Programs such as Medicare are currently what are running our nation’s health care and preventing complete economic failure. If a person is over the age of 65, fit the government’s standards of disabled, or are deemed poor by the United States Government,…show more content…
Out of every paycheck, a percentage is taken out and contributed to the government health coverage system. This portion taken out of a paycheck is proportional to the amount of the paycheck. This raises many concerns with the higher earning Americans who pay more into health coverage, yet can afford their own health insurance. Medicaid is for the poor, yet paid for by the rich who are not always the most willing participants. Emma Greene, an eighteen year old girl fighting cystic fibrosis, is also the daughter of two very poor immigrants from Europe. Her father, a carpenter, and mother, a seamstress, have not paid a penny for their daughters many surgeries, including a recent double-lung and liver transplant. Emma is very grateful and would not be alive today without Medicare and

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