Synoptics Test Questions

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Synoptics Test Questions 1. Christ was born in. 2. Jesus performed His first miracle. 3. Complete the beatitude (as the Bible gives it): "Blessed are the meek for. 4. Christ grew up in. 5. Who healed Naaman of his leprosy? 6. Whom did Jesus say had, "little faith.? 7. Matthew's other name was? 8. John baptized in Aenon near Salem because it was near his home. True or False 9. "To baptize" means "to sprinkle." True or False 10. Our righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes. True or False 11. Christ came to destroy the law? True or False 12. One may divorce and remarry for any caus? True or False 13. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom…show more content…
What is the one sin on the part of one’s mate that gives one the right to divorce and remarry? 59. List the three temptations of Jesus: 60. What gifts did the wise men bring Jesus? a. Gold b. Frankincense c. Myrrh 61. Who appeared to Joseph in a dream? 62. Who succeeded Herod as king in Judea? 63. In praying what did Christ say the Gentiles did? 64. In what three ways are we tempted? 65. Did Jesus teach, "Where our heart is there our treasure will be," or "Where our treasure is there our heart will be"? 66. What did Christ say is the lamp of the body? 67. What does "mammon" mean? Riches, and worldly gain personified as a false god. 68. According to Paul, what are the six things that we are to think on? 69. According to what was said in the lesson, what two kinds of things that we worry about? 70. According the law of Moses, at least how many witnesses must there be in order to establish a fact legally? 71. What was the major purpose of the miracles? 72. What two things are we told to seek first? 73. Many are more than what? 74. Few are fewer than what 75. Who did Christ say would enter the kingdom of God? 76. The present tense in Greek indicates what kind of

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