Swot Analysis : Nintendo

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SWOT Analysis : Nintendo For this SWOT analysis, I decided to choose Nintendo, since I like to play video games and know quite well with the company itself. By doing research and analysis, I’ll explain the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats the company has or faced. Nintendo is known for a video game companies, focusing on the casual gamers market, which they mostly dominated. This company has a long history in the video game industries; from 1985 to now. By having a long history, Nintendo can make decisions not solely to research, but to experiences too. This of course is a big advantage for Nintendo. Other than that, being a large company known worldwide is another advantage. This large company can create a barrier to entry to the smaller and new companies in the industry. This prevents more competition for Nintendo itself. This company is not only large, but also has brand recognition. So everytime the company releases a new product, advertising is not needed much due to it. This may, reducing the cost for marketing. Not only that, Nintendo dominates most of the video games market for the casual gamers. This can be seen on the amount of products they have sold to, and the type of customers that buy the product. One of the cause for Nintendo’s product to sell so well is due to its price. The price is mostly affordable by most people, unlike its competitors, Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo doesn’t uses blu-ray disc (approximately $50/game) as their game’s template (unlike Sony and Microsoft), which makes their games cheaper. The price for Nintendo 3DS ($249, now $169) and WiiU ($299) is definitely cheaper than Sony’s Playstation 4 ($399) and Microsoft’s Xbox One ($499). Since video games consoles are likely to be price elastic, Nintendo will have the upper-end in profit. Other than cheap, Nintendo’s video game consoles are easy to understand by the
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