Support Individuals in Reducing Substance Use

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Support individuals in reducing substance use 4.4 - describe how to manage your own feelings about the individual's progress or lack of this in such a way as to minimise their impact on the support provided. Different conditions may require varying approaches to support self-management. When supporting individuals who are reducing or trying to stop their substance use we need to firstly, remind ourselves that all people are capable of change and possess personal strength and abilities. We must trust that individual's can and will grow in their own time and in their own way. We must be patient and be able to tolerate varying amounts of floundering, confusion and false starts. We also must allow the individual to take their time to discover their own solutions while being honest with them without being judgemental. If for instance, an individual is showing lack of progress, we need to continue to motivate them and empower them to help themselves. The individual will be experiencing low self-esteem in these circumstances and we need to remind them of past successes. If progress is being made, we need to continue to encourage them and congratulate their progress. Identifying strengths and abilities in the individual that contribute to them dealing with the issue is essential and accepting the individual's values is paramount (even if we may not agree with them). Active listening skills need to be used when supporting an individual. While working with an individual who was trying to stop substance use we worked together to identify the triggers and when the individual relapsed we discussed what had happened and what they would need to do or avoid doing in order to succeed. Although it can be difficult to understand or accept when an individual we are supporting relapses, we have to remain impartial and remember , above all, that we are only human. We may
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