Superman and Me

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Essay 1 “Superman and Me” English 111 4/1/2014 I had the pleasure of reading “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie. I went into it thinking I was going to read an essay about a boy that had a fascination with Superman. I soon realized that it was more than just Superman the author was talking about. The author started off the essay with a short but descriptive sentenced “I learned to read with a Superman comic book” (582). I began to think that the author is now telling us how he began his journey or struggles of reading. Sherman then begins to explain how his family struggled through life living off of whatever means they could, as he depicted by saying “We lived on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope, fear and government surplus food” (583). Now, the essay to me has unfolded as a young Indian boy on a reservation that has a passion for reading but his family is dealing with financial poverty. He has to overcome the thoughts and beliefs of his tribe as well as the outside public opinion that Indians are not smart. Sherman Alexie takes us through a journey of how he discovered reading and how it became a passion to him. He tells us about the first time he discovered paragraphs and how he “realized that a paragraph was a fence that holds words” (583). The love that he showed and passion was amazing to me. I was impressed because I could relate to the author and his experience of discovering something so new and raw. No matter what other people thought of it, he was fascinated by it. I could only imagine how hard it was for him to attend school and have this feeling all bottled up and no one to share it with because it was frowned upon. I guess it would be like having a secret that you want to share but you know it could be bad if you told someone, or you would be judged different by letting someone know. Kind of makes you wonder about
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