Summer Days Essay

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My summer was the most amazing summer I’ve had so far, I experienced so many new things that I have never seen or done before. On all the hot sunny days, all I wanted to do was go to the beach, because it was really hot outside. The first thing I did when I got there was jump in the water; I would feel so refreshed after that. Then when I would dry off and I would get extremely hot again, also went and jumped in again. Afterwards I would go and tan for a while, and get some ice cream with my friend Jenny. On the weekends we would go Jet-Skiing and boating with a couple of our friends, I love jet-skiing. Just the feeling of your hair flying everywhere and the speed of the jet-ski, how fast it goes, it’s pretty intense. Every time I would get on a jet-ski I could feel the adrenaline rushing though my body, and it’s just so exciting. I love going Boating also, it’s relaxing and you can just sit back and enjoy the ride. One reason why I love boats is because they have seats, and you can relax on them. Another reason is boats have music; you can put cd’s in or listen to the radio. The last reason is tubing, It is the most fun you get out of boating, you get pulled, and you lay flat on your stomach and hold on to the handles. It’s very extreme when you fall off it hurts a bit, but it is still very fun and exciting for

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