Summary: United States Correctional System

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A World Apart Christopher D. Mejia CJS/230 University of Phoenix The country that I have chosen to compare to the United States correctional system is that of Mexico and their correctional system. Both of these counties share a lot of similarities in their correctional systems. The United States and Mexico have been working together to try to stop the illegal drugs from crossing into the United States. In this essay paper I will try to compare both countries criminal system. The judiciary in Mexico is divided into federal and state systems. The Mexican federal courts have jurisdiction over major felonies, which includes drug trafficking. In Mexico’s federal system, the judicial power is implemented by…show more content…
The different types of security levels that are used in the prison systems are usually a minimum level of supervision, a medium level of supervision, and a maximum level of supervision. I really did not find any information regarding levels of security and supervision in the prisons in Mexico. Some things that the jails and the courts in the United States offer are what we call community supervision and corrections. Community supervision, or Probation, is something that we offer to offenders in lieu of incarceration. If someone gets places on community supervision, or probation, they are given a sentence which in turn becomes suspended. After the sentence becomes suspended, the defendant is allowed to be placed on probation in hopes of completing it successfully. If the person does not complete it successfully, then that suspended sentence will no longer be suspended, and that person will be required to go into jail or prison and complete their time. The United States has Parole available also. An offender will go and complete a certain amount of time of their prison term, and if they are or have been doing really good, and they have not had any negative issues arise while being incarcerated, then they would be a…show more content…
This would perhaps help their system with putting people that need to be in prison. With implementing the correctional system of the United States, they would not have to resort to imprisonment all the time. They could use other methods that would rehabilitate their offenders. Some of those methods could include community supervision, treatment programs. This would cut down on head count of their prison. In providing their offenders with the information needed to deter crimes, Mexico would see a decrease in their prison population and hopefully an increase in rehabilitated criminals. The United States, if asked, could possibly show them how to incorporate some rehabilitative ways of assisting offenders in their correctional system. The only down fall to that is that as we all know is that the offender has to except the program and participated in them. In conclusion, the differences between the United States correctional system and the correctional system of Mexico have so many major and minor differences in their ways of dealing with offenders. As I have previously stated, the United States has many forms
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