Summary on Becoming a Writer

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Summary of “On Becoming A Writer” At sixteen years of age, I knew I wanted to be a writer. But I thought of writing as something only done by the rich and not a real job I could get just coming out of high school. It was not until my Junior high school year when the possibility of becoming a writer took place. Mr. Fleagle was assigned to our third-year English and known among students for dullness, inability to inspire, hopelessly out of date, and famous for constantly saying “don’t you see” as a mild surprise at our ignorance, I anticipated an unproductive year. Late in the year he tackled the informal essay and gave us a list of topics from where we had to choose one to write about. All topics seem to be almost as dull. The night before the assignment was due, I visually scanned the list of topics and my eyes landed on “The Art of Eating Spaghetti”. This topic brought me vivid memories of a night when my mother and other family members served spaghetti for supper, an exotic treat in those days. Suddenly I wanted to write about the warmth and good feeling of it, but simply for my own joy, and not for Mr. Fleagle. To write it as I wanted, even if it violated the rules of formal composition learned in school and surely Mr. Fleagle would give it failing grade. Thought I would have time to write a more respectable essay after writing about “The Art of eating Spaghetti”, but finished late at night and not having time to compose a proper essay for Mr. Fleagle, had no choice next morning but to turn my essay as it was. Two days later Mr. Fleagle returned the grated papers to everyone except me. Thinking I would have to stay after school for discipline, Mr. Fleagle called for everyone’s attention and started reading my essay, word by word to the entire class and they were listening attentively before the entire class started laughing with openhearted enjoyment. Even

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