Summary Of Short Story 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been'

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Never As It Seems Donald Taylor ENG125: Introduction to Literature Instructor Maria Rasimas April 26, 2015 Conflicts and literary techniques are present in any literature, including poems and short stories. Identifying them gives readers a more understanding of what the story is about. “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, 1966 and “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor, 1953”, are two short stories that have a similar conflict, mainly individual against another individual, but their selfishness and pride created issues that neither saw coming until it was too late. In both literary stories, climax played an important part of determining the outcome of the conflict, the crisis rose to a rising increase in tension which in turn made the story’s turning point near the end. Fate played a secondary part, both girls were placed on an unusual situation in their lives where they had little or no control of. With the help of rising action, circumstances created a rising tension to bring fate to a higher level. Starting with “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Oates, the mother in this story, which was never given a…show more content…
Hopewell and her daughter Joy, or Hulga as she insists to be called after legally changing her name ten years ago, always had their differences as mother and daughter seem to do. The majority of the times, Mrs. Hopewell excused her daughter’s actions and words, believing that the loss of Joy’s leg when she was ten years old contributed to her daughter’s temper and withdraw from everyone. “There are plenty of mothers and daughters who enjoy harmonious relationships. But there are also daughters who complain: Why can't my mother treat me like an adult? She should stop meddling and get a life of her own. Nothing I do satisfies my mom. Why can't she stop criticizing me?” (Necleff,
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