Summary Of Padilla's Love And Rescue

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In Padilla’s work she examines the integration of Puerto Rican migrants into the social and cultural life of the larger community where they settled by the importance of gender and the interplay of labor, residence, and social networks. Padilla and Merida Rua’s works served to frame and politicize the use of her academic skills and credentials combined with their political commitments to improve the daily lives of Latinos. Padilla’s politics of love and rescue was a discrete way her and her other colleagues have shown that they truly care about the people that they study. Rua used this thesis of “Love and Rescue” as a basis for her work and the intervention of women and how they helped the community. In Padilla’s essay she focuses on her deployment of “personal narrative” and the backstage aspects of her fieldwork and production of ethnography. In Padilla’s work she and her colleagues showed how her interventions reflected a politics of love and rescue on the Latino community. While…show more content…
Olmedo talks about Puerto Rican Grandmothers and their memories in the article “Puerto Rican Grandmothers Share and Relive Their Memorias” as a great source for understanding aspects of Puerto Rican History, culture and their migration experiences. Olmedo’s article presents the voices of women and their transitions to the Chicago area and the changes they witness in their community. One of the grandmothers they interviewed was named Dona Clara. She made an effort to create a space in which her Puerto Rican value system could survive. While it was necessary for her to work in order to contribute to the meager family finances. She became concerned as she noticed how young people behaved in the neighborhood when their mothers worked outside the home. She talked about “la poca verguenza”, (the lack of shame), of teenagers who would not go to school to have parties. (BB Centro journals Issue on Chicago: Puerto Rican Grandmothers Share and Relive Their Memorias; Irma M.

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