Summary Of Junot Diaz's Drown

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Not all Novels should be Clear In many causes while reading certain novels and stories you might wonder why some stories have so much changing to them Or why so much back and forward amongst each of the stories? Many of these things may happen not because the author is trying to confuse the reader instead because the author is trying to give the reader a better understanding of many stories through different perspectives. Throughout this essay you will learn about how a great author Junot Diaz portrays this sort of writing style. Through Diaz’s writing in Drown we were able to see how the lack of chorological order made things shift around a bit for the reader, for instance the book began with the story Ysrael. A story that gave us the reader…show more content…
This occur because Diaz used his writing not only to show us the life of this particular family but as well as the life of many who migrate into the United States in search of that “better life” not knowing what this side of the world has to offer them. For instance in the story name Edison, New Jersey we see how the woman Pruitt had working for him took the only chance she had to flee away from the life she had with him realizing once she got into the city to where she felt she belonged she had no alternative but to turn back to where she had came from due to the fact that the life she was use to living she was not going to make it if it wasn’t with the help of Pruitt. Although while living with Pruitt she didn’t have much luxury all she pretty much owned were” soft bright panties fall out and roll down the front of my jeans” (Drown 134), this explains that not having much materials but just knowing the feeling of having a home and a place to sleep without having to worry about what tomorrow might have brought her was enough for her. Another example of this was in the story How to date a Brown girl although there are specific parts as to which it seems as its being addressed to Yunior this story shows us as the reader that its sort of a shame

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