Summary of Canadian Life Styles a Public Health Failure

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Summary of “Canadian lifestyles: a public health failure” by Daniel Rosenfield, Paul C. Hebert, Matthew B. Stanbrook, Noni Macdonald, Ken Flegel and Jane coutts Many years ago a typical Canadian was described as being fit. This changed as time progressed but not for the better. Now the typical Canadian is described as being a “Couch Potato”. The blame does not rest solely with the Canadians but also with the government. Public health officials requested that the government ban trans-fat and reduce sodium levels, but the government made no attempt at changing or stopping the release of fatty foods. At one point the government had ideas of how to control sodium which would save on health care costs and lengthen lives but decided against it due to financial consequences. The government’s inactivity gave way to the increasing level of health issues and obesity in Canadians. Some Canadians realize that they are unhealthy, but don’t realize the food they eat is the cause. Because of the absence of labels most Canadian’s don’t even know the nutritional value of the food they eat. Many other countries governments have put different plans into action which have a large impact on the public health. Canadians personal choices and media influences all go against what is actually known to be healthy. So until the Canadian government counter acts the onslaught of unhealthy products coming from the various food industries, by either improving labelling or banning trans fats or both, Canadians will have a hard time improving their nutrition. Until then it’s up to Canadians to know what’s
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