Summarise Entitlement and Provision for Early Years Education

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SUPPORTING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN SCHOOLS LEVEL 3 Assignment 1 Question 1a In English schools, as part of the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda and the Childcare Act of 2006, every child aged 3-4 years old has a right to free, part time education. The government provides funds to the local authority to provide education for up to 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. A child may start their EYFS education in the term following their 3rd birthday and will continue until the 31st August following the child's 5th birthday. This ensures that each child gets up to 2 years free education before they start Year 1, Key Stage 1. Children may get their free education from a variety of registered childcare providers such as: *Pre- schools (2-5 years) *Playgroups (2-5years) *Private Nursery schools (3-4 years) *Maintained Nursery schools *Primary school, reception classes, where they operate an early admissions policy for 4 year olds.(4-5 Years) *Childminders who are part of an accredited network. (0-5years) *Sure Start Children's Centres. (0-5 years) Early years provision is very distinct from Key Stage 1 learning in all countries within the United Kingdom. The emphasis is on supporting very young children and learning through play rather than a more formal education. This is because play was found to be an important vehicle for early learning. Adults will work alongside children on focused activities which involve specific concepts, such as carrying out writing or language activities or using numbers. To promote and develop autonomy children are also encouraged to work independently. During “choosing time” the children are given the opportunity to choose what to do for themselves. There are are wide range of inside and outside activities for them to choose from. All of the early education providers listed above, have to meet Government standards, they
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