Suggest Why Some People and Not Others Benefit from the Growth of Transnational Corporations

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Transnational corporations, or TNCs, are corporations that have their headquarters in one country and operate wholly or partially owned subsidiaries in one or more other countries. Some people benefit from the growth of transnational corporations than others. Developed countries benefit as they get cheaper imports from developing countries which benefits the consumers and companies in the developed countries as everyone pays less and companies can compete with others easier. Another benefit is that developed countries lose industry to developing countries, improving the environmental quality in the developed country, reducing CO2 emissions helping to combat climate change. Developing countries also benefit as the population get access to employment and the development of new skills, leading to more money being spent helping the economy to improve infrastructure and services improving the quality of life in the country. TNCs that do well in the developing countries raise the status of the country encouraging investment from other well know transnational corporations and most importantly it will improve the country’s economy drastically as valuable export revenues will be earned. On the other hand, most developing countries do not benefit as much as developed countries do, for example, sometimes much of the employment is low paid, low skill and long hours meaning that the country does not develop economically or give the opportunity to develop their skills. Another drawback is that there has been large negative press about TNCs and the poor working conditions in which people operate in; this includes the lack of safety requirements and the long hours of working. Transnational corporations like high profit, and countries where there is less regulations, therefore they often go to countries where there is less ‘red tape’ with regard to safety leading to TNCs
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