Successful Salespeople Essay

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Assignment # 1 Self Evaluation and Plan Professional Selling - Term 1135 Successful salespeople share many common personal traits which benefit them by getting significant professional and financial rewards. To me being a salesperson is not an easy but a very demanding profession, it is certainly is not meant for those who drift into it thinking that it is an easy way to make fast money or make a circle of acquaintances or have an opportunity to demonstrate showmanship. A successful salesperson is one who loves selling, finds their line of work exciting, thrilling and challenging. A salesperson has to strongly believe in his product or the services they provide offer something great value to the client. There is no perfect profile of a salesperson because sales jobs are different and demand different things depending on every customer. Each customer is unique and a salesperson has to recognize the needs of a client and figure out help solve the problem. Like every sales job every salesperson is different some can be aggressive, while others can consult or soft sell. Clients also differ, they can be all business and want a formal relationship with the salesperson, while others look forward to chatting with salesperson in an informal way which makes them more comfortable. Although no one personality profile exists for the ideal salesperson, successful salespeople usually share the same characteristics and skill sets. To be a successful salesperson you must be a hard and smart worker. They are highly motivated, dependable, ethical, knowledgeable, good communicators, creative, and confident. Salespeople have to stay on top of their markets and their competition. They have to be knowledgeable about the completions products and services as well which helps them make a better offer to suit a client’s needs. Mostly in my opinion, they have to be honest and sincerely

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