Studying Apple Products Through a Marxist Perspective

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How do Marxist critical perspectives help you to interpret cultural products and practises? (Based on Apple) Apple is a multi-billion pound company which sells electronic items to the masses. Apple is a huge part of popular culture as it is rare to see someone who doesn’t own at least one Apple product and almost impossible to find someone who has never heard of the company. We must ask ourselves if we are being tricked into buying these ludicrously expensive items because they are part of popular culture due to their physical beauty. When it comes down to it Apple products are nice to look at, they’re sleek, thin and shiny. Does this represent any ideal society where we want to look thin and sleek and have matching electronic items? Some may argue that society has become shallow and impractical. Long gone are the days where we looked for electrical items which would be practical and not overly complicated as they just did one task rather than one device which has the ability to perform multiple tasks. For example not so long ago we would have a camera, a video camera, a phone and an mp3 to separately perform the tasks which they are designed for but now we live in a world where one simple and small IPhone has the ability to combine all of these items into one device. Although it means that we now have to carry a lot less around does it mean that we are being absorbed into a capitalist pit which makes us think that we need to have all these options available to us. We are living in a world of the walking dead where people are fascinated by their social media status and find it impossible to even go to dinner with friends for an hour without constantly checking their phones. It is just rude when you’re talking to someone and they’re constantly looking at their phone and replying to other people’s messages. Marx would argue that this is capitalism destroying
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