Students With Disabilities

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1 “All Students whatever the severity of the disability should be educated at a regular school site in a general education classroom among their non-disabled peers” At the present time, students with severe and multiple disabilities are taught in a variety of settings, from totally segregated to fully inclusive. The doctrine of the least restrictive environment (LRE), as applied to students with severe and multiple disabilities has usually resulted in placement in a special education classroom within a regular school. Now an increasing number of leaders in the field of severe and multiple disabilities are advocating for full inclusion for these students. It, therefore, becomes necessary to review the suggestion that “All students whatever the severity of the disability should be educated at a regular school site in a general education classroom amongst their non-disabled peers”. Successful collaboration is essential if all students whatever the severity of the disability should be educated at regular school site in a general education classroom among their non-disabled peers or are to be fully included in schools and community settings. Because the students' needs could be extensive, families, educators, physical and occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists and medical personnel need to work closely with each other to ensure that students receive an appropriate and inclusive education. In addition, students without disabilities and community members need to understand their roles in the collaborative planning process. Many children with disabilities, however, need accommodations to participate successfully in the general classroom. Teachers and other staff often require current information, skills training, and even additional staff to meet the needs of these children. Strategies are required in order to successfully work with
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