Structure and Ideology of the American Constitution

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PT 1: The American Constitution: Structure & Ideology Last Week - Negative Liberty – Leave me alone mentality - Education itself is not government involvement. But progressing people - American Tradition puts the Constitution as a contract (by consent) - Self Rule – “We the People” - Power works through the office of the president (we the people govern) - Virginia Plan/New Jersey Plan - The U.S. Constitution is not simply a model to be given to other countries to copy. It goes back to the Constitution being a compromise. Article 1: Congress (7 Articles) - Longest section of the Constitution (2,243 words) - Compromised of 10 sections [Framers thought Congress would be the most important aspect in government.] [What is the opposite of freedom? They thought Congress/Speaker of House would dominate] - Section 2 & 3 deal with the House and Senate respectively - Section 8 = most important passage in Article 1 (*Third one down) - 17 short paragraphs about what Congress may do: “power to lay and collect taxes,” declare war, regulate interstate commerce, coin money and raise an army. - Final paragraph known as the necessary and proper clause [Allowed Congress to expand their power] - Section 9 lists the things Congress may not do - Habeas Corpus – Gov’t can’t hold prisoners without charging them with a crime. - No title of nobility can be granted. Article II: President [Article that has been stretched out. How they act and responsibilities] - Article II is not nearly as long and comprise of only 4 sections - Section 1 – President must be a natural-born American at least 3 years old who is chosen by electors for a 4-year term - Each state decides who elects the electors - Today the people make the choice in every state. - Section 2 confers the power of Commander in Chief [Judge Presidents on how the economy is doing]
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