Structure and Function of Key Plant and Animal Systems.

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There are seven attributes that all living things must have to be classed as living. Growth is needed in order to facilitate development of the organs of the body so as to make reproduction possible and movement of some kind must be possible in order to obtain sustenance from an energy source to continue this development. The majority of animals will cease to grow when they have reached maturity after this time the division of cells continues at a steady pace to maintain the body and to repair any damage. All living things must obtain Nutrition in some form or another in order to obtain and use energy from a source. Energy is gained from food via Respiration. The process of Respiration is mostly aerobic, a chemical reaction where by glucose made from carbohydrates obtained from food passes though the digestive system into the blood and is converted into carbon dioxide and water. These are then breathed out during exhalation. This is one of the ways that living things Excrete. The last attribute that is common to all living things is sense. In order to survive and do all the other things mentioned above all living things must be able to adapt to their environment and respond to changes. The cardiovascular system in humans is the process in which these seven attributes are utilised. This system, also known as the circulatory system, is composed of both static and dynamic components. The static components are the organs that are used in conjunction with the dynamic components which are the substances that are needed by the organs of living things to sustain live. This system comprises the organs of the heart, lungs and vascular system and depends on the diaphragm, brain, muscles, digestive and dermal systems and some skeletal infrastructure. The right ventricle of the heart pumps blood into the lungs via the pulmonary artery so that it can absorb oxygen that has
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