Stropop Task and Automaticity in Numeration

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Stroop Task and Automaticity in Numeration When you read a word you are unacquainted with the steps your mind takes to get there, reading for most comes naturally. The process of reading is an automatic process, or something that you do automatically upon visualizing a word. If the word red was written in black ink and you were asked to state the color of the ink, your mind would first read red and then process that word as being written in black ink. When stimuli are incongruent, the word and the color in this case are opposite. In congruent stimuli the reverse is true, the color and the name are uniform. (The word green is written in green ink. When you read you are displaying automaticity, something you do automatically. Interference occurs when the new information you are learning and the past-learned behavior collide and influence your ability to learn the new material. Facilitation helps to counteract interference establishing a new association because of past parallels. There are many variations of the Stroop task; the use of numbers and symbols causes the same result in incongruent tasks. In his experiment, Stroop hypothesized that interference takes place between reading the names of colors and naming the color of the word itself. In his first experiment Stroop had two conditions. The first condition consisted of reading a color name where the print of the color and the print of the word are different (RCNd). The second condition was reading color names printed in black ink (RCNb). A group of college students composed the subjects, they were split into two groups and given a two form test, one with RCNd and the other RCNb, the order was reversed in to counterbalance the experiment. Through these series of tasks Stroop measured the reaction times for each group and concluded that the difference between the two tasks was insignificant.

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