Strive for Success!

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The ability to survive during a rush of raging hormones, relentless peer pressure , the beginning of the search for the so-called ‘adult you ‘and on top of that, most high school students are expected to process large amounts of information that they will probably never use. Seems impossible right? It’s a wonder how anyone makes it through this gruelling education system, but they do! Every high school student strives to achieve on seemingly unimaginable goal, academic success! Well let me tell you a secret...that unimaginable goal can be achieved and I am going to encourage and enlighten you on the key to academic success. Academic success does not depend on your social or financial standings but on whether or not you believe in yourself. Firstly, goals! If you don’t have a plan or at least a vague idea of what you would like to achieve then high school is a lot of meaningless chatter. Set educational goals that are realistic. A successful student has legitimate goals and is motivated by what they represent in terms of career aspirations and life's desires. Be responsible and active. Successful students get involved in their studies, accept responsibility for their own education, and are active participants in it! Responsibility means control. It's the difference between leading and being led. Your own efforts control your grade, you earn the glory or deserve the blame, and you make the choice. Active classroom participation improves grades without increasing study time. You can sit there, act bored, daydream, or sleep. Or, you can actively listen, think, question, and take notes like someone in charge of their learning experience. Either option costs one class period. However, the former method will require a large degree of additional work outside of class to achieve the same degree of learning the latter provides at one sitting. The choice is yours.
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