Stopping Parents from Making Decisions for Their Teens

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Descriptive Essay Writing Stopping Parents from Making Decisions for their Teens Stopping parents from making decisions for their teenagers can be a big challenge for societies these days. Most parents have the state of mind that their teenagers aren’t mature enough to make their own choices, which is why they take them for them. Since parents take decisions for their teenagers, it could lead to them being immature, irresponsible and dependent. Parents take choices for their teenagers every day. Whether it’s something important or not, teenagers don’t have the freedom of choice anymore. Parents have the idea that when they take the decision for their teen, they are setting them to a good path when they really aren’t. Statistics prove that about four decisions out of five are being made by a parent instead of teenagers themselves. Parents are basically not allowing their teens to have any self-determination. An average teenager wants the freedom of choice and decision in their lives, but more parents are mostly taking over the decision making. In extreme cases, parents could even take over their teenagers’ life without allowing them to take any choices at all. Recent studies show that when a parent makes a choice for their teenager, it will lead to them lacking confidence and being dependent. Most teenagers have many decisions to take as they start wake up to the world around them. Whether minor or major, these choices would affect their life somehow. Thus, teenagers should go through decision making and learn how to rely on themselves. Teenagers will start being irresponsible and immature when parents make their own choices. In addition, it is only by learning from experience that teenagers won’t repeat their mistakes. As long as the parent can see that their teenager is taking fault of their mistakes, then there is no need for them to step in and

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