Stopher Learner Manifesto Case Study

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stopher Dorner Manifesto (Uncensored) Published February 7, 2013 LAPD , Los Angeles 708 Comments Tags: Chris Gettler, Christopher Dorner, Christopher Gettler, Keith Lawrence, lapd, LAPD Capt. Justin Eisenberg, LAPD Capt. Phil Tingirides, LAPD Officer Hermilio Burdios, LAPD Officer Hermilio Buridios, LAPD Officer Marlon Magana, LAPD Sgt. Anderson, LAPD Sgt. Hernandez, LAPD Sgt. Teresa Evans, LAPD Teresa Evans, Los Angeles Police Department, manifesto, Monica Quan, Officer Teresa Evans, Sergeant Teresa Evans, Teresa Evans Dorner vs. LAPD (If you have trouble accessing site, the document is viewable at the end of the manifesto) From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648 To: America Subj: Last resort Regarding CF# 07-004281 I know most…show more content…
There, you will see that a video was played for the BOR members of Mr. Christopher Gettler who suffers from Schizophrenia and Dementia stating that he was kicked by a female officer. That video evidence supports my claim that Evans kicked him twice in the upper body and once in the face. I would like all journalist to also request copies of all reports that I had written while employed by LAPD. Whether in the academy, or during my 3 years as a police officer. There are DR#’s attached to each report (investigative report) that I have ever written so they all exist. A FOIA request will most likely be needed to access these at Parker center or at the Personnel/Records. Judge my writin/grammar skills for yourself. The department attempted to paint me as an officer who could not write reports. Even though Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa a training officer who trained me stated for the BOR panel that there was nothing wrong with my report writing and that I was better than all rookie/probationer officers he has ever trained. Officer David Drew stated the same but refused to testify as he did not want to “get involved” with the BOR’s. Contact Sgt. Donald Deming ,(now a Captain at Lompoc PD), Sgt. Thaddeus Faulk, and Sgt. Ed Clark. All will state that my report writing was impeccable. I will tell you this, I always type my reports…show more content…
Best quality about you in college and now is that you never sugar coated the truth. I will miss our political discussions that always turned argumentative. Thanks for introducing me to outdoor sports like fishing, hunting, mudding, and also respect for the land and resources. Us city boys don’t get out much like you Alaskans. You even introduced me to PBR. A beer, that when you’re a poor college student is completely acceptable to get buzzed off of. I’m sorry I’ll never get to go on that moose and bear hunt with you. I love you

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