Stolen Generation Analysis

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Reflection and Evaluation For this task we have to write a documentary script on the right and movement of the aboriginal people, I choose the topic of stolen generation to emphasis the suffering and plight caused upon the people by prejudice and selfishness. The stolen generation occurred during 1960 to 1975, when the Australian government issued the removal of any mixed blooded and young aboriginal children, they were taken into foster home or detention center build to raise the children in a middle-western white environment. This was fueled by the idea of social Darwinism, in which the government believe that the white culture and way of living is the one to prevail and the minority of aboriginal culture should perish and left forgotten. Stolen generation caused many pain and suffering to the aboriginal community, as children loss their parent and generation lost their culture and language, it’s a scar in the history of the aboriginal people, which will not be forgotten lightly, or can it be compensated with empty word and little amount of money. The idea of stolen generation has happened in the history of this nation is a veil one, one that should shame and sicken its people and a warning for…show more content…
They are not treated equal as everyone one else, and the entire thing that’s promised to them is but a fantasy that will never happen. They live in the outskirt of towns and receives limited education, and money not enough for a standard living, but enough to drown them self in alcohol. They don’t receive the same level of respect or opportunity; wither with an alcoholic family or not enough money for a proper education. People would not give them their right as a human being if their skill set are the same as the normal white folk, there is always a hint of stereotype and prejudice or just down right

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