Standardized Testing Speeches

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In my speech, I will express my concern regarding the use of standardized testing to prove a person’s level of success. This issue hits close to home for me. In high school, my GPA was 3.987, and my academic career was full of rigorous courses. I am and always have been a very driven student and taken my studies seriously. When it came time for me to take any sort of standardized test, my level of test anxiety always out-shined my level of knowledge on any subject. For example, each time that I took the ACT (three times total), I made every effort to prepare. My parents even purchased a computer program as a tool to help me prepare. The program included sample ACT questions. I did well on these questions, missing very few. Initially, I thought this would serve as a solution to overcoming my fear of testing. That is until I returned from the ACT testing center on my final test day. No amount of preparation and fact retention will help an individual with test anxiety. It is something that is hard to understand if you haven’t experienced it firsthand. Essentially,…show more content…
Is it the person that received a proficient score on one test, or is it the person that has been involved both inside and outside of the classroom throughout their educational career? To me, success can mean many things. According to The American Heritage Dictionary success is, "the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted." In other words, success is setting personal goals, and following through with them, and whether or not you achieve your desired result, you have succeeded just by trying. Nowhere in that definition, from a credible source I might add, does it say anything about an ACT score, and that is exactly how it should be but unfortunately for me and many other individuals, standardized testing is still winning the
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