Squad Reception Memo

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AFZC-INF-D CO MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Continuation of professional development counseling. ___ a. UNIT MISSION: (See attached Memorandum) ___ b. CHAIN OF COMMAND: First and foremost: I am your squad leader. Anything you need or strive to attain can and will be addressed to me first before you bring it up the Chain of Command, the NCO Support Channel, or to any other Channel that you may find. The only exception to the rule is if dereliction of duty, harm to others, or life/limb/eye sight is at risk. If it is any of the latter, report it directly to the PSG or PL. Only in extraordinary circumstances should you ever address the D Company Commander and First Sergeant. Finally, only in dire circumstances should you ever address the 1/12 IN Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major. All problems can be handled within the professional atmosphere of the platoon. Know your Officer and NCO channels, know their faces, and do not let me or any other superior catch you neglecting to salute or giving the greeting of the day. ___ c. PHYSICAL FITNESS: You will conduct PT every workday (Monday-Friday) and once on the weekend. You are not to miss PT under any circumstances unless pre-approved by your team leader, then me, and then our PSG. If you have appointments one week out from this counseling reschedule for a later date and no earlier than 0900. Your physical fitness factors into so many different “what-ifs” and “could-haves” when we are training and on deployment. If you cannot run 5 miles in 40 minutes, do 90 push-ups in 2 minutes, 80 sit-ups in 2 minutes, then you are failing yourself and your unit. Randomly I will select one man from the squad and test this standard. If you or they fail the entire squad will have weekend PT - no exceptions. If you fail to perform during PT your pass/leave will be revoked until you prove your

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