Spooling a Baitcaster

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Spooling a Baitcaster Fishing season has finally arrived after months of waiting, and fishermen all around are digging through his shed for his fishing pole. After a long time away from fishing, a fisherman’s pole needs some maintenance on it. One of the maintenances needed is the re-spooling of the reel on a pole. There are two types of reel, an open face and a baitcaster. The baitcaster is the hardest reel to re-spool because of its compactness. Unlike the open face, where it is open, the baitcaster is covered and challenging to novice fishermen when re-spooling. However, there are steps that a novice fisherman can look at when re-spooling or spooling his baitcaster for the first time. Materials needed for this process are the following: fishing rod and reel, cloth, a roll of fishing line, scissors, and a lure. First, when spooling or re-spooling a baitcaster, a fisherman must check his reel to make sure there is no debris left from past fishing trips. If debris can be seen inside the reel, a fisherman must clean it out before spooling. Having debris inside the reel can cause gear malfunction and also wear and tear on the fishing line. When debris is spotted, take a soft cloth and wipe the wheel thoroughly; the wheel is where the line will be attached to. Also, make sure to wipe along the edges inside the baitcaster. Once the spool is thoroughly cleaned, the reel is then now ready to be spool. Second, after cleaning the reel, the fishermen now can take the tag end of the fishing line and feed it through all of the eyes on the fishing pole. Make sure that the line goes through every single eye on the rod. If the line misses one eye, it could mean disaster after finishing spooling. After, feeding the line through every eye, one must now insert the end through the mouth of the baitcaster. If a fisherman forgets about inserting the line through the
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