Spice Girls, Nice Girls, Girlies And Tomboyss

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We read the article “Spice Girls,” “Nice Girls,” “Girlies,” and “Tomboys”: Gender Discourses, Girls’ Cultures, and Femininities in the Primary Classroom and discussed the subgroups that girls have at school. There were four groups: spice girls, nice girls, girlies and tomboys. Each group has their own culture. The spice girls are perceived to have power by acting negatively towards the other groups. The girlies were interested in jewelry, fashion and other stereotypical feminine items. The nice girls were very accepting towards all of the groups. They focused more on their studies and less on the drama that girls sometimes carry. The tomboys rebelled against the need to act the way girls their age are “supposed” to act. They were most interested in sports, had male social groups and had a low tolerance for most girls. We discussed that family status and environment does play a significant role in the girls’ decisions and actions regarding which social group they entered into. We saw that the girls with single parents or from a low socioeconomic status tend to act out or try to gain negative attention from their peers and authority. In our group we discussed how one of the group members was a tomboy because she valued the respect of the boys for their drive and determination. Another girl in the group was a girlie girl because she went to an all-girls high school. Although there was no pressure from the opposite sex she was constantly surrounded by messages telling her how girls should act and felt pressure to conform to that. She mentioned that at the all-boys school down the street if a boy didn’t conform to social norms he was disrespected or called named such as gay or a tool. This is supported in the readings because the boys were also quick to call other subgroups names. In our discussion, we agreed that society did not choose the roles of which groups these

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