Speed of Soumd in Air Using Resonance Lab

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Speed of sound in air using Resonance Purpose: In this laboratory investigation, we will determine speed of sound using the formula: speed = frequency times wavelength. Equation 1 After making several measurements of the speed of sound, we will compare our average experiment result from this lab to the speed of sound predicted by the equation vsound=330 m/s+.6m/s (T).Equation 2 Theory: Congitudinal waves are waves which the motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a direction that is parallel to the direction of energy transport. The result of a longitudinal wave is the creation of compressions and rarefactions within the air. Picture: The speed of sound in air is impacted by the temperature because sound travels by vibrating molecules and passing the energy on to a nearby molecule. Sound travels faster through warm air than cold air because the molecules in warm air vibrate faster. Resonance is when one object vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second object into vibrational motion which is forced vibration. An example would be if two tuning forks with the same natural frequency are set across from each other, then one tuning fork is hit with a rubber mallet which causes them both to vibrate because the surrounding air particles are set into vibratinoal motion. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time. Picture: When a tuning fork is stamped 440 HZ means that the frequency and the pitch of that fork is 440 HZ. Materials: * Large plastic tube * Small plastic tube * Ruler * Tennis ball * 5 Tuning forks with different frequency’s Procedure: We made the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Once the apparatus was set up we found the length of tube for the antinode (m). We did this by finding the point which you could hear the pitch the loudest.

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